About Us

The journey started during lockdown 2020. Living alone in isolation, working from home started to take a mental toll on Mr 2nice.
Mr 2nice decided to pick up a hobby, and bought a candle making kit. This quickly turned into an obsession, soon Mr 2nice was working with different wax types and blends, trying to create a scented candle with great cold and hot scent throw.
Making scented candles for friends and family it quickly dawned on Mr 2nice that this could be a way of making additional income.
Mr 2nice an eligible bachelor was on the hunt for a Mrs 2nice and in late November swiped right on bumble and is now with Miss 2nice the Mrs 2nice recruit.
Miss 2nice has a vision on how the brand should be developed and added value by carrying the brand and business to new highs.
Mr 2nice has been looking for a partner to add value and has finally found her. Mr 2nice now has the time to focus on perfecting the product while miss 2nice develops the brands image and digital footprint through her creativity and innovation.